The Watchman, EMP Attacks, Prepper's Manual, and The Survivalist

Check out my newest book, “The Watchman.” It’s been described as a cool cross between the X-files, Tombstone, and The Survivalist. If you like fast-paced apocalyptic adventures, and are up for something new, kindly give The Watchman a try. Book links below:
The Watchman:
The Survivalist (Book 1 of 12):
EMP Attacks and Solar Storms:
Prepper’s Instruction Manual:

10 thoughts on “The Watchman, EMP Attacks, Prepper's Manual, and The Survivalist

  • January 21, 2024 at 4:16 am

    Id really like to know how well a completely off grid home running on solar panels charging batteries and converting through an inverter would withstand an emp. Nobody has done anything on this topic that im aware of. I’ve been living off grid for years and I’m concerned about my system getting fried since my refrigerator and deep freeze are running on it. There’s also no powerlines for miles from my home

  • January 21, 2024 at 4:16 am

    *Sincere question:* what’s the best approach for dealing with EMP and or standard EM signals and radiation? 5G is coming soon – and anytime a fantastic quantity of government employed scientists start universally agreeing that “[X] is perfectly safe”: I become substantially cautious of [X].

  • January 21, 2024 at 4:16 am

    Hello. I would like to ask you a question.
    Recently i wrapped my phone with 2 layers one sheet of aluminum foil.
    Strangely i had signal coming trough while in theory if gap les 1/4 of wave length signal shouldn’t come trough.
    Wave length of 5ghz is 0.05 meter.
    But i still had signal coming trough.
    Or i should have grounded my phone to see a result?

    Maybe aluminum foil was like a dipole and was simply resonating on frequencyes and repeating as internal antenna. Or maybe high frequencyes thz range close to x ray and they become able to penetrate thin aluminum foil?

    I was studying biology field so electrical is not my field but i would like to hear your answer if you don’t mind.

    Why i cant block signals from my phone just with good aluminum foil wrap?

  • January 21, 2024 at 4:16 am

    Stock up a library full of books, your post-apocalyptic generations will worship you as a saint for giving them knowledge while the rest of the wasteland tries to kill each other.

  • January 21, 2024 at 4:16 am

    I watched your EMP attack video and bought the Siemens F140 based on your recommendation for AC (I still have to buy the ferrites). Do you have a recommendation for protecting the DC side specifically for a solar array feeding into an inverter (Generac PWRcell)? I want to make sure I have all bases covered. Thanks a lot.


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