CME VS EMP | What's the difference?

Learn about CMEs and EMPs in Dr. Arthur Bradley’s new four-part video series titled “CMEs and EMPs: Threats to Our Modern World”. In this first video, titled “Intro to CMEs and EMPs”, Dr. Bradley provides valuable insights into the science behind these catastrophic events.

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10 thoughts on “CME VS EMP | What's the difference?

  • June 11, 2024 at 10:17 am

    Will whole house surge suppressor protect everything on the circuits downstream of the surge suppressor from the E3 of a CME? Or if we get warning that E3 event from CME is building, can we just unplug our appliances until it is past?

  • June 11, 2024 at 10:17 am

    Good info on the difference between an EMP and a CME or solar storm. What many people do not know is that earth’s magnetic poles are shifting and will eventually swap places. As they shift, earth’s protective magnetic shield is shifting and weakening allowing much weaker CME’s to have a greater effect on earth. Witness, the much stronger Aurora’s we’ve seen in the last year caused by much weaker solar storms. It is also thought to have a great impact on our changing climate. Something to be aware of.

  • June 11, 2024 at 10:17 am

    If a CME can only damage something with long conductors how does it damage satellites?

  • June 11, 2024 at 10:17 am

    Geomagnetic field lines… aren’t those lines imaginary?

  • June 11, 2024 at 10:17 am

    I would argue that both the ENP and the CME get you to the same place pretty quickly. Which is where your neighbor is looking to kill you over a can of beans. I would say that the EMP is instantly more crippling. However, it’s unlikely that it would be a global event. The next Carrington event will wash over the whole planet and leave no power grid globally. And since it takes electricity to fix the electricity, we will go back to the Stone Age. Not with Aurora, but with a whimper.

  • June 11, 2024 at 10:17 am

    Would electronic watches be affected? Phones? (the phone itself, not the external infrastructure)

  • June 11, 2024 at 10:17 am

    Thanks, teach. I have a question…if you were a cat ion and I was an anion, would we make a good pair?


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