CME VS EMP | What's the difference?

Learn about CMEs and EMPs in Dr. Arthur Bradley’s new four-part video series titled “CMEs and EMPs: Threats to Our Modern World”. In this first video, titled “Intro to CMEs and EMPs”, Dr. Bradley provides valuable insights into the science behind these catastrophic events.

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10 thoughts on “CME VS EMP | What's the difference?

  • June 21, 2023 at 8:17 am

    It was great to meet you today. This is an excellent video and I feel very informed on emps.

  • June 21, 2023 at 8:17 am

    EMP doc. Can you change or check your settings because I’m unable to subscribe to all of your videos. Something about made for children or not.

  • June 21, 2023 at 8:17 am

    On the other hand, according to TechProtect Bag, the antistatic bags will serve as a Faraday box. Could you confirm that nested antistatic bags are efficient against emp?

  • June 21, 2023 at 8:17 am

    Thank you Doc, According to the characteristics of the E3 component, which would be the fryer of electronic elements, leaving aside the promoted elements such as the emp proof device and the Chinese fabrics, and the well-known faraday box, there is a formula to calculate the size of the mesh of a Metallic fabric that acts as protection?

  • June 21, 2023 at 8:17 am

    What about the ultra violent sun events, which could go on for years, huge energies, scorched Earth. What about the spread of frequencies here, as we are talking about big electro magnetic effects spread from the sun itself.

  • June 21, 2023 at 8:17 am

    Great video. Very interesting and informative. Looking forward to the series.

  • June 21, 2023 at 8:17 am

    I’m wondering, just a question. If a person could hook a ground cable with larger wire to the negative wire on a car if that might help if an EMP did happen? It would be the same thing as a house being grounded by a grounding rod, just hook a car battery to its own grounding rod. It might be a main to hook up but might save the car. Anyone have any ideas about that? Thanks.

  • June 21, 2023 at 8:17 am

    There is still a debate on whether an EMP or CME would effect a solar panel. Some experts says yes it could destroy the diodes others say it wont effect the Solar panel at all. Currently I put the diodes back in my panels and using them but i bought some extras just in case.

  • June 21, 2023 at 8:17 am

    I am contemplating looking into using a 20′ cargo container and converting it to a Faraday cage. Does anyone have any experience in this area or whether it is viable ?

  • June 21, 2023 at 8:17 am

    The big thing about EMP”s is they come in multiples. So after and EMP dont go pulling out your electronics. Keep them stored for up to at least 2 weeks.


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