How to turn Wrinch into 235v Permanent Generator use Big Wrinch, New 2023

How to turn Wrinch into 235v Permanent Generator use Big Wrinch, New 2023


8 thoughts on “How to turn Wrinch into 235v Permanent Generator use Big Wrinch, New 2023

  • October 4, 2023 at 7:18 pm

    I have a rough idea of what might be happening, there is an equation very much used by the electromagnetic community proposed by A.H. Lorentz namely qE + qv X B = ma. Where E,v and B are vectors the vector fields B and E are not generated by q itself but by other charges and current distribution called sources of E and B found by the maxwell equations. If you pay
    close attention to the term qv x B. component v got me very confused when I wasa a student. To measure it you must have a reference, some people say it is with respect to the observer (I don’t thik the observer is a charged particle or a current element, most likely he or she is a person) so i would measure it as the reference velocity of the current cause by your rotating magnets related to the static magnet, inducing a current in the magnet wire and iron core. as to the vector X operator from vector calculus it would be a force only in the direction perpendicular to the B and E components.
    But Ampere never said that. he made precise experiments between current elements where he established that change of repulsion over attractio occured at 35.3 degrees 150.3, and around 213 and 315. only. Of course these arguments are not enough but i am sure your energy production would end if you stop the motors or heat the magnets to a Curie temperature to demagnetize them. much more research has to be made by profesionals but I think its always healthy for science to be agnostic and curious and always experiment and measure.

  • October 4, 2023 at 7:18 pm

    Diese ” Konstruktion ” Ist so dumm, das andere ” Generatoren ” In Wettstreit dagegen, sogar noch gewinnen können. Dieses Experiment ist absolut peinlich.

  • October 4, 2023 at 7:18 pm

    Good evening, brother Yasser I’m following you because I’m searching About renewable energy sources And free, not energy Which is primarily sourced from a battery Or electricity from home. And thank you for everything you provide Good luck.


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